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IPM - School of Mathematics

Papers of School of Mathematics

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    401. A. Nasrollah Nejad,
    The Aluffi algebra of hypersurfaces with isolated singularities,
    Comm. Algebra (2018), DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2018.1424873  [abstract]   
    402. E. Zamanzade (Joint with A. Dastbaravarde),
    On estimation of P(X > Y) based on judgement post stratification,
    Stat. Papers (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s00632-017-0962-0  [abstract]   
    403. M. Hosseini (Joint with T. Giordano and D. Handelman),
    Orbit equivalence of Cantor minimal systems and their continuous spectra,
    Math. Z. 289(2018), 1199-1218  [abstract]   
    404. M. Forough and M. Amini,
    Hilbert C*-bimodules of finite index and approximation properties of C*-algebras,
    Glasg. Math. J. 60(2018), 323-331  [abstract]   
    405. A. Hashemi (Joint with M. Schweinfurter and W. M. Seiler),
    Deterministic genericity for polynomial ideals,
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 86(2018), 20-50  [abstract]   
    406. M. Nasernejad (Joint with K. Khashyarmanesh),
    A note on the Alexander dual of path ideals of rooted trees,
    Comm. Algebra (2018), DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2017.1324867  [abstract]   
    407. M. Nasernejad (Joint with I. Al-Ayyoub),
    Superficial ideals for monomial ideals,
    J. Algebra Appl. 16(2018), # 28 pages  [abstract]   
    408. H. Zare (Joint with T. Kashiwabara),
    Splitting Madsen-Tilmann spectra I. Twisted transfer maps,
    Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 25(2018), 263-304  [abstract]   
    409. K. Bahmanpour (Joint with M. Seidali Samani),
    On the cohomological dimension of finitely generated modules,
    Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 55(2018), 311-317  [abstract]   
    410. M. Soelimani-Damaneh (Joint with P. Korhonen and J. Wallenius),
    The use of quasi-concave value functions in MCDM: Some theoretical results,
    Math. Meth. Oper. Res. (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s00186-017-0601-5  [abstract]   

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